tails_ wrote:1. Original ZX Spectrum 128 used AY-3-8910, not YM2149
I don't know in how I can change the AY-chip type (and also is AY8912)
tails_ wrote:>ぜっとえっくすすぺくとらむ128
2. Japanese people use katakana, not hiragana for foregin words.
It was gotten from Japanese Wikipedia, and its name is only ZX Spectrum. However, the ZX Spectrum
never was marketed in Japan (unless by import sources), so, this is not a major problem.
Also: Like
tails_, I was once a great fan of Dizzy series. In the past, I owned a Quattro Arcade cartridge for NES, which contained Go Dizzy Go! and another 3 Codemasters games.