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  • ValleyBell Offline
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Post by ValleyBell »

ComposerMike Smith
SystemNintendo Entertainment System
Playing time3:51
Pack authorDoommaster1994
Pack version1.00
Last Update2015-01-29

Download NES/Deathbots_(NES).zip (14 080 bytes)

Pack author's comment
Happy New Year! To kick off 2015, here's my first VGM rip of the year, Deathbots! An obscure game that I picked up during my graduation ceremony a few years ago...
Quite an obscure soundtrack, but I like it. Even if there's only five songs.
For the Level 3/4/6 song, I let it play 4 times and it doesn't seem to change, so I believe it's the whole song. Let me know if it's not. This was definitely one of my harder rips, as the game's sound engine isn't the greatest. I played everything and it sounded great to me, but if you catch something, please let me know. Thanks!