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Redoing the site

with a CMS

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Redoing the site

Post by vampirefrog »

Hey guys. I want to redo the site, because currently it's too loosely tied together.

We can unify the packs + forum + wiki, as well as add a proper homebrew + requests section, and have the packs editable and easily approvable.

Packs will be uploadable directly. When a new pack is uploaded, it is by default unapproved, and a moderator has to approve them. This will remove a lot of the hassle with the site, it will simplify the process.

Since packs can be administered directly, there is no need for the "Official Releases" part of the forum, so that will be gone. We'll also remove Homebrew and Submissions sections, because Homebrew will have its own section, with comments and ratings.

Currently most of the wiki articles are about games (contributed by Sonic of 8!), there are some articles about file formats, and some about systems. Games will have their own section, as well as systems and whatnot, so we'll keep the wiki functionality for the file format descriptions. We'll discuss what happens to those, because they're useful, but I'd rather keep the wiki content to a minimum.

I want to have games as a separate entity, for a number of reasons. First off, some games have multiple packs, and there is no way to link the two currently. I want games to have Franchises and Equivalents (same game on different platform, or ports). Furthermore, a game without packs can have a vote system where people request a rip for that game, and we can sort the games by number of request votes, so rippers can rip the most requested games.

Systems, Chips etc
These will also have their own separate sections, each System with its own page, picture, description and so on.

We can have a homebrew section, where each post is a song, each song gets individually rated by listeners, perhaps has an in-browser player, depending on the format, and can receive comments.

Anyway, I've decided to use Wordpress as the CMS, mostly because I'm very familiar with it, it would give an easy admin interface, and it would take the least time to implement.

There are also the advantages of having a unified search, and the same header and theme all across the site.

We'll also be using the VGM player by wothke where possible.

Anyway, tell me your thoughts.
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  • cetera Offline
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Post by cetera »

this is a great site, so thank you for working on it and making it the best it can be.
  • dma Offline
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Post by dma »

Indeed a really well though and done website.
Browsing it in the last days to pick up some specific packs, the navigation, sections structures, information presentation, and tied data organization is really well though and filled.
Congrats on such a serious work.
  • tinyrsid Offline
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Post by tinyrsid »

looking forward to see your updated stuff!

Post by vampirefrog »

Uh, thanks for the support. Here's a preview

Currently it's not fully functional.
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