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Castlevania (OPL2 Redone)

Original compositions, as well as ports and remixes of existing songs, can be posted in this forum, as long as they are in VGM format of course.

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Castlevania (OPL2 Redone)

Post by MelonadeM »

It's really no secret that the official DOS port of Castlevania has a pretty godawful OPL2 soundtrack. Well 3 years ago, I thought "what if it actually sounded decent?", so I went ahead and did just that.

I tried to keep a game in mind, like as if this were to be used in an actual conversion - limiting myself to 7 channels for most of the songs, leaving 2 for sound effects. Some songs do use all 9 but it's mostly jingles, where there wouldn't be SFX playing anyway.

Even 3 years later I'm still decently happy with these, certainly I'd do things differently now that there's more tools that support the OPL2 and OPL3 (namely OpenMPT Tracker - I used AdlibTracker for these conversions here) but yeah. I honestly didn't really think to post it here at all, but I've just noticed there's a new OPL3 emulation core, NukedOPL3, and all of these sound significantly different to me (compared to the default emulation core, which I think is AdLibEmu). Well, I certainly hope you enjoy these. Maybe I'll do another project like this, who knows.

Sidenote: the VGMs claim they're YMF262 OPL3, however I limited myself to OPL2 features only. I couldn't find a way to convert the VGMs to OPL2, or to force AdlibTracker in an OPL2 mode...
AdlibTracker2 Sources
(26.02 KiB) Downloaded 224 times
Castlevania (OPL2, 2018).zip
VGM pack
(119.7 KiB) Downloaded 316 times

Post by RandomName »

Nicely done. These renditions are much better than the originals.
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Post by MelonadeM »

Thank you, RandomName - I really appreciate that!

Re: Castlevania (OPL2 Redone)

Post by RetroMasterVGM »

Can you tell me how can I import those instruments to OPM?. I tried to use vgm2opm and the results is useless, also, I don't know which sound chip uses OPL2, I tried to mute all channels in Winamp one per one, but the song sounds with all channels.
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Re: Castlevania (OPL2 Redone)

Post by MelonadeM »

I don't know of any way to convert OPL2 instruments to OPM - they're two completely different architectures.

You'll need to use the OPL3/YMF262 tab to mute channels, as I couldn't figure out a way to export/convert to OPL2 from AdlibTracker at the time (still within OPL2 limitations waveform wise and channel count wise, so anything from OPL3 channel 10 onward is not used)
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Re: Castlevania (OPL2 Redone)

Post by cmccaff1 »

Absolute quality...true OPL2 goodness.
Yamashita-san would be proud to hear these covers, I have no doubt of it.
Thank you for sharing them with us!
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