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Help with fix instruments for VGM MM

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  • SeregaZ Offline
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Help with fix instruments for VGM MM

Post by SeregaZ »

i am a hunting for 127 midi'like VGM instruments. and i have some of them. they have very difference volume and some times it have some ugly additional effects. so i want to get a little help for fix it. if you are know how to tune instruments in VGM Music Maker - please welcome to this topic.

so first problem is with this instrument:
in theory it is midi's Fretless Bass, but in practice it is not very same sound. midi's is more soft, but it is best what i have. and problem is in "click" sounds when notes start play. click, or scratch, or knock... can you help remove this "click" from sounds?
  • ctr Offline
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Post by ctr »

Only way to get rid of the "click sound" is to make sure you send a key off in good timing before the key on. It is caused by the slot not being completely silenced before the next key on, causing a phase shift as well as the envelope to not reset properly.

If you're using dynamic channel allocation (such is the case in GEMS), the click sound shouldn't normally appear at all (unless you're using all available channels already)
  • SeregaZ Offline
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Post by SeregaZ »

but another instruments no have this "clicks" with same notes. i thought it need to change a some parametres and "clicks" will go away.

i even add some special pause:
OPN_Write(0, $28, $00)
OPN_Write(0, $28, $F0)

anyway this "clicks" is clicking when notes changes.
  • SeregaZ Offline
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Post by SeregaZ »

more big pause Delay(100) is help. for my case probably need to split one track per two channels, first note - 1 ch, second note - 2, 3 - 1 ch, 4 - 2 ch... but i am allready have only 6 channels. i cant cut music to three channels - 2 ch per 1 track for avoid clicks :(

now 1 track per 1 channel after compilation game - this click is present.
  • ctr Offline
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Post by ctr »

increasing the Release Rate will reduce the time it takes for the volume envelope to reset after a key off (and therefore reduce the delay required to avoid a click caused by Key On). Also, a suggestion is to try to make sure the delay is present in the song data rather than enforcing it in the driver (for an example, if your driver's update interval is 60 hz, try adding a key off at (or reducing the length of the note to) the frame just before your key on.
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