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Getting FMP (OVI, OPI, OZI) files to play in Hoot -> S98

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Getting FMP (OVI, OPI, OZI) files to play in Hoot -> S98

Post by MaliceX »

While it seems fairly trivial to get PMD music to play in Hoot (since plenty of games use said driver), it's seemingly not as trivial with FMP and I haven't been able to determine if an existing game uses the driver.

The only clue I've had so far was using the following reference download from the Hoot website:

Though I had to get FMP.COM and a few other files myself and add it in the respective zip file for the XML. So far, I've managed to only get its program startup music playing (??) but not the music file in question.

Here's what I have so far (trying to get the Grounseed shop demo tune to play): (need to add this file on hoot.xml's list)
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Post by tails_ »

No luck after playing with PLAY_H/FMPP and 4.28u/7.00m versions of FMP here either, I asked UME-3, let's see if he'll answer.

P.S. Hoot have been changed pretty much last update so they probably changed some stuff so older shells don't work. Also let's see if Knurek will look at that topic
P.P.S. I bet "Non-VGM Technical Discussion" is correct subforum for this topic.
Last edited by tails_ on 2012-10-17, 17:11:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ValleyBell »

Erm.. right. Topic moved from General VGM Discussion and Software to Non-VGM Technical Discussion.

Post by Kaminari »

Not sure what you're asking. Is FMP supported in Hoot? Yes.

Have a look at the playlist of Wakusei Omega (Studio Twinkle). It uses the FMP.COM driver.
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Post by tails_ »

OK, looks like there's a problem with that OVI 'coz other files i have seem to play finely.
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Post by zzo38 »

I notice with the XML, it includes a file called "PPZ8" but invokes "ppz". Is this the problem with it?
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Post by MaliceX »

Nope. No fix there. It's OK there's no need for this anymore since I have a way to play these back in neko project ii. :)
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Post by crimson1117 »

After 2013-06-XX's hoot it is OK to do that because of an 386!core
<driver type="86">pc9821dos</driver>
<option name="funcvect" value="0x7e"/>
<option name="extramsize" value="0x200000"/>
<option name="clockmul" value="0x10"/>
<option name="opna_mix" value="384"/>
<option name="ssg_mix" value="-18"/>
<option name="rhy_mix" value="0"/>
<option name="adpcm_mix" value="0"/>
<option name="pcm_mix" value="768"/></options>
<romlist archive="fmp">
<rom type="file" offset="-1">FMP.COM</rom>
<rom type="file" offset="-1">PPZ8.COM</rom>
<rom type="file" offset="-1">PDZF.COM</rom>
<rom type="file" offset="-1">EMMDRV.COM</rom>
<rom type="file" offset="-1"></rom>

<rom type="shell" offset="0">set PVI=.</rom>
<rom type="shell" offset="0">emmdrv</rom>
<rom type="shell" offset="0">fmp s -#40 -vf00 -vs00 -vr00 -vp00 -vz00 -s -cx -d$0</rom>
<rom type="shell" offset="0">ppz8 s -i1 -b8 -aw61</rom>
<rom type="shell" offset="0">pdzf s</rom>
<rom type="shell" offset="0">play_h</rom>
Last edited by crimson1117 on 2014-04-24, 19:50:19, edited 1 time in total.
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