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DefleMask Tracker - A Multi-System Tracker

Technical discussion about the VGM format, and all the software you need to handle VGM files.

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DefleMask Tracker - A Multi-System Tracker

Post by Delek »

DefleMask is cross-platform tracker (runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux) for producing music for many soundchips and old school game-consoles/computers.
It is an awesome donationware that tries to give an end to the discussion "is this Chiptune?" from a new point of view: If it is made with DefleMask, it IS Chiptune. ;)
Every sound that comes from this tracker is obtained from pure register writes to the soundchips being emulated, and those sounds can be exported to the real hardware!

Supported soundchips so far:
YAMAHA YM2612 (with full support of Special CH3 mode)
Texas Instruments SN76489 PSG
Z80 Game Boy
Hudson Soft HuC6280
Ricoh 2A03
MOS Technology SID

So you can make music for:
SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive
SEGA Master System
Nintendo Game Boy
NEC PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16
Nintendo NES
Commodore 64
Arcade System (SEGA X/Y boards)


Get it here:

Last edited by Delek on 2016-06-03, 20:17:01, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Fred/FRONT »

Hi, delek !
I've read your post on your Forum : Support for More Soundchips and Systems -> Neo Geo support !

You said :
>>"I will add Neo Geo support too!, but I will need help with the actual hardware. I don't have a Neo Geo to test the output files."

First, This announcement is great news for the neo-geo community (I think), even if few people are aware of this information ...

Question for you : you think to work on the YM2610's support (& also YM2610B) in few months ?

I think that you could start to work on FM part, First...
Playing the Neogeo Bios' s music with 'Defelmask tracker', could be very cool... ... IOS_zb.mid

Delek, if you Compare the driver (MVSTracker Suite, concerning FM part !!!), neogeo/mvst and genny are very close.

few links :
About operator combination... naming convention (M1,C1,M2,C2 or OP1, OP3, OP2, Op4 or S1, S2, S3, S4), etc.
- MVSTracker Suite /KANEDA Fr
- ...

- ym2612 vs ym2610 /KANEDA Fr.
- ((OPN2__FM_AndroDunos.png) ---> Channel FM OPNB: 1, 2, 4 et 5

About YM2610, this Technical informations can help you ...: ... dio_system ... memory_map Z80's ports. ... _registers ... munication ... _V3_driver ... 0504121248 ... SM_defines ... 0504121126

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Post by RichterEX2 »

Personally, I'd love to see it support YM2151 in the future. Would bring it one step closer to making MDX files, or converting said MDX files to VGM.
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Post by Delek »

DefleMask 7f released!, Game Boy ROM BUILDER FTWWWWW!!.

01: Game Boy ROM and GBS Exporter! (remember always to use an accurate Game Boy Emulator, such as Visual Boy Advance, or the actual Hardware!).
02: Custom Keyboard Layouts added and keys editor!.
03: Fixed a bug regarding to the Note Up shortcut, it was limited to octave 3.
04: Fixed a bug introduced in the latest release, regarding to loading a premade instrument.
05: Fixed a bug in the GENESIS Rom Builder, it was disabled in the previous release.
06: Manual Updated.

Both Linux and Windows builds updated!.

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Post by Delek »

Happy new year guys!, and as promised, here is DefleMask 9 with lot of news, MAC OS X build and SID 6581 & 8550 support.


DefleMask 9 NEWS:
Mac OS X Build!
Soundchip Added: MOS Technology SID 6581.
Soundchip Added: MOS Technology SID 8580.
System Added: Commodore 64.
Added sample banks, so the limit of the samples was increased to 144, 12 samples per bank and 12 max bank samples.
Added lot of effects exclusively to the Commodore 64 (Change Wave, Filter Cutoff Reset, Pulse Width, etc).
Added Progressive Duty Cycle Macro to the Commodore 64.
Added Progressive Filter Cutoff-Freq Macro to the Commodore 64.
Added Global Play/Stop Shortcut: Ctrl+Enter, it will play/stop all Opened DefleMask in the OS.
Added Fixed mode to the Arpeggio Macro (very useful for bass and drums in SMS, Game Boy, NES, C64, etc).
Added basic .SID exporting to Commodore 64.
Added control to the special noise mode for SMS in the Noise Macro too (now it have 4 usable values).
Added a Filename display, it will display also if the current module was modified and not saved (Ctrl+S quicksave).
Shortcut added: Ctrl+Up/Down, move between patterns.
Standard Effect Added: E1xy - Note Slide Up.
Standard Effect Added: E2xy - Note Slide Down.
Standard Effect Added: EBxx - Set Samples Bank.
Updated in_vgm to the latest version (RAW PCM Samples in NES, Full PC-Engine Support, and more).
Now vibratos do not cancel Portamentos.
Now Portamentos do not cancel Vibratos.
Now a NOTE-OFF will not cancel arpeggios and other effects, useful with systems that have hardware envelopes.
Now if you click a file on the save file window, you can get that name file.
Fixed the 512kb limit of samples in the NSF exporter, now you can use the full 1MB of samples without problems in NES.
Fixed the phase reset on NES Squares on starting portamentos.
Fixed the Undo/Redo while interpolating/shrinking/expanding.
Fixed a display bug with the Algorithms of FM soundchips.
Fixed the 0Axy effect behavior.
Fixed strange jumps while doing long portamentos down.
Fixed a crash bug regarding to load a new key layout.
Demo Song Added for NEC PC-Engine: jrlepage - The Adventures of Claude Vorilhon
Demo Song Added for SEGA Master System: Ultrasonic Madness - Monday
Many Demo Songs and examples added to Commodore 64.
Some GUI changes to improve the workflow.
Many bugs fixed.
Mac OS X, Linux and Windows builds updated.
Manual Updated.


Also, DefleMask can export VGM files for Commodore64, using the C6 as CHIP ID. I know that it is not supported yet in VGM format, but I think that it will be implemented soon or later.
Last edited by Delek on 2013-01-02, 4:35:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ValleyBell »

A small note by me:
The C64 VGMs DefleMask exports currently will never ever play in VGMPlay/in_vgm or be handled correctly by any VGM tool because they violate some guidelines of the vgm specification.

Post by Kaminari »

"Never ever" is not exactly constructive. Hopefully you guys are (publicly or not) discussing about what those violations actually are.
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Post by Delek »

Kaminari wrote:"Never ever" is not exactly constructive. Hopefully you guys are (publicly or not) discussing about what those violations actually are.
I didn't added a "clock" in the header, because I don't know where to put it, and because DefleMask is hard-tuned to PAL clock, the other "never ever" conflict is that I used 0xC6 as Commodore 64 soundchip ID and 0xC6 is not supposed to have "only 1 command".

Nevermind, DefleMask already had this type of issues with the VGM format, it was writing LFO values on PC-Engine's VGMs before the addition of a core that emulates it (Ootake's have LFO), it was writing RAW PCM samples in NES before the PCM streaming commands were added to the NES. So I really don't care to be outside the VGM support again, this time not for only a command but for a entire new system, also VGM will not have SID support in long time according to ValleyBell, so a fork of in_vgm could born to play DefleMask's C64 VGMs easily.

When ValleyBall add C64 support, I promise to update DefleMask to make his VGMs inside the VGM standards, in the mean time this is what I can output without the support of the SIDs 6581 and 8550 in in_vgm/VGMPLAY.
Last edited by Delek on 2013-01-05, 1:31:02, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by zzo38 »

Delek wrote:I didn't added a "clock" in the header, because I don't know where to put it, and because DefleMask is hard-tuned to PAL clock, the other "never ever" conflict is that I used 0xC6 as Commodore 64 soundchip ID and 0xC6 is not supposed to have "only 1 command".
My suggestion is to use the 0x07 "private use" prefix that I have proposed; see the "vgm_unofficial.txt" in the VGMCK distribution. (I will use the same things if I make programs to make VGM of chips not supported in VGM format, and if I do so with same chips as other programs that are using this 0x07 prefix proposal, I will use the same commands for compatibility, but will still change it to other official commands if it ever does become official chips supported.)
Nevermind, DefleMask already had this type of issues with the VGM format, it was writing LFO values on PC-Engine's VGMs before the addition of a core that emulates it (Ootake's have LFO)...
This does not violate the VGM format though; it simply means the emulation in VGMPlay is incomplete. However there is still some incompleteness (VGMCK 0.8 can make music for AY8930 which is not emulated yet, even though the VGM format supports it).
When ValleyBall add C64 support, I promise to update DefleMask to make his VGMs inside the VGM standards
I agree that you should do this, to fix the program once it is official. (Everyone else making such program, should do so, too, please.)
Last edited by zzo38 on 2013-04-30, 10:28:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Delek »

DefleMask 10c released!


MIDI Input Devices WOW!
New simplistic UI and default skin color.
Boost in performance, DefleMask rendering system now is a lot faster.
The clipboard is now shared between DefleMask instances. You can copy and paste pattern information between different DefleMask's windows.
.hes ROM export for PC-Engine!
The Game Boy now uses internal HW volume envelopes, this means 100% compatibility on the hardware. Just the way it should be. Side effect: no more volume macro, you will have to modify your existing tunes.
Fixed a bug regarding to the INTERPOLATE command (Ctrl + I) It works perfectly now.
Fixed a bug with the fine tunning command in some channels.
Alphabetical sorting on Linux of files lists.
A backup file will be automatically created when there's a new change in the module.
Fixed a bug related to exceed the max patterns limit of 128.
Hold a button pressed is now supported, it will call the button function repeatedly every 100ms.
Game Boy Effect added: 13xy - Set Sweep Time and Shift
Game Boy Effect added: 14xy - Set Sweep Direction
Game Boy emulator changed: NEZPlug++ core.
As requested, now the volume column for FM Instruments will modify only the carriers volume of the current instrument.
Custom hz playback engine is now supported on exported roms!
New default SEGA Genesis instrument.
Added slider bars for the pattern view and the instrument editor.
Fixed an undo/redo bug.
UI with bugs fixed and addons.
Manual Updated.


Post by Kaminari »

HES export!

\(T T)/
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Post by Delek »

New version with ARCADE configuration (YAMAHA YM2151 + SEGA PCM soundchips) was just released. It exports perfectly Arcade .vgm files. :mrgreen:



DefleMask 11 (@10/06/15):
- ARCADE (YM2151+SEGA PCM) support!
- .OPM instruments loader!
- More precise fine tune effect (E5xx)
- Added a Refresh button to the MIDI input menu to detect new connected devices.
- Fixed the position of the Edit Keys window on small screens
- Fixed a bug regarding to selecting from right to left (Thanks InversePhase)
- Fixed some bugs regarding to looping songs in an exported .vgm file.
- Now you can move instruments by using some fresh new arrow buttons!
- Now the volume changes are also delayed when a EDxx is setted on that row too
- Game Boy: More accurate volume of the WAVE channel.
- The DefleMask logo is back but on the right side and smaller than in previous versions. I missed it a lot!
- Lot of code cleaning and fixed some possible crashes.
- Manual Updated.

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Post by Delek »

DefleMask v0.12.0 released!

The best news are: New GUI, special CH3 for Genesis (full support, one channel per operator!), on-screen-piano, emulators updated, etc, etc, etc.

full changelog: ... g-v0-12-0/
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Post by bmos »

Awesome Delek! looking good :)
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Post by grauw »

If I may make a request, support for the YM2151 + YM2149 (AY-3-8910) combination would be nice for composing music for the MSX and X1 Turbo :).
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