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Current version: 2.66 (released on 2012-11-17)

Technical discussion about the VGM format, and all the software you need to handle VGM files.

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Post by ValleyBell »

Program: Ootake 2.66 (homepage)
Program Type: VGM Creator/Emulator
Platform: Windows (32-bit)
Logs chips: HuC6280
Comment: Modded by Valley Bell to log vgms. Logging is sample accurate, although scanline accuracy would've probably been enough.

EXE / Source

- Japanese characters might or might not be broken, since my computer doesn't support the Shift-JIS codepage. I also had to insert some spaces in Japanese texts to make it compile correctly.
- .NET Framework 4.0 is required to run the emulator. (Sorry, but MS VS 2010 is unable to compile it for .NET 2.0.)
- Unlike WAV logging, clicking the "Output VGM" entry toggles between starting and stopping the VGM log.

Post by Kaminari »

Wow, thank you! :heel:

Which makes me think — does PCE VGM supports ADPCM (Oki MSM5205)?
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Post by tails_ »

Can't find this in VGM 1.61 specs, so unless this chip has other names no, it's not supported.
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Post by ValleyBell »

No, VGMs don't support the MSM5205. IIRC the main reason I didn't add it with the other OKI chips was, that MAME has board with 4 of them (and VGMs only support 2).

Post by Sonic of 8! »

Bug report: No logging VGMs after the first one (appears Output VGM Complete when you try to log a VGM again). If I want to log other, I need to close and open the program again.
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Post by ValleyBell »

That's what I get for not taking a few days to test it.

Please redownload, it should be fixed now.

Post by Kaminari »

Ah, too bad, no Cyber City or Legend of Heroes then.
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Post by 2ch-H »

Thank you, great job.

Tempo problems that occurred in the game of Telenet Japan has been resolved.

Post by Sonic of 8! »

Additionally, now people can log PC-FX music that is not handled by CDDA on HES files. But screenshots needs to be taken on Mendafen (MESS' PC-FX driver won't run), and a few games has avaliable in HES.

Post by Kaminari »

PC-FX HES and PCE HES are not exactly the same.
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