[Terms in general] Flutter -> VolEnv/Volume Envelope Note Fill -> Note Timeout (or maybe Note Stop) Tempo Divider -> Tick Multiplier [Functions] S1 Git S2 Git S3K Git new name comments Sound_Play zCycleQueue zCycleSoundQueue DoSoundQueue CycleSoundQueue doesn't sound bad either Sound_ChkValue zPlaySoundByIndex zPlaySoundByIndex PlaySoundID TempoWait TempoWait TempoWait S2/S3K don't *always* wait. UpdateDAC zDACUpdateTrack zUpdateDACTrack Those UpdateTrack routines could use standardized names. zUpdateFMorPSGTrack UpdateTrack They don't follow any pattern at all currently. FMUpdateTrack zFMUpdateTrack PSGUpdateTrack zPSGUpdateTrack zUpdatePSGTrack FMDoNext/PSGDoNext zFMDoNext/zPSGDoNext zGetNextNote ProcessTrack or ProcessTrackData or something similar Sound_PlayBGM zPlayMusic zPlayMusic Sound_PlaySFX zPlaySound_CheckRing zPlaySound_CheckRing Sound_PlaySpecial Sound_E0toE4 [no label] [no label] FadeOutMusic zFadeOutMusic zFadeOutMusic StopSoundAndMusic zStopSoundAndMusic zMusicFade StopAllSound PlaySega zPlaySegaSound zPlaySegaSound cfPreventAttack cfPreventAttack cfPreventAttack HoldNote "prevent attack" sounds too technical cfChangeVolume2 ChangeFMVolume2 cfChangePSGVolume cfChangeFMVolume cfChangeVolume ChangeFMVolume cfSetTempoDivider cfSetTempoDivider SetTickMult cfSetTempoMod cfSetTempoMod cfSetTempoDivider SetTickMultAll cfAlterModulation SetModEnvFMPSG "FMPSG" because separate envelope for FM and PSG channels. cfSetModulation SetModEnvelope cfToggleAltFreqMode RawFreqMode "raw frequency" instead of "alternate" cfHaltSound MusicPause It explicitly pauses/resumes music tracks while SFX continue to play. FlutterDone zloc_522 zDoVolEnvRest VolEnvHold because it holds the envelope at the current level zDoVolEnvFullRest VolEnvStop because it stops the note (by setting volume to 0) [Variables 1] zTrackTempoDivider zTrack.TempoDivider zTrack.TempoDivider TickMultiplier or short "TickMult" zTrackNoteFill zTrack.NoteFill zTrack.NoteFill NoteTimeout or "NoteStop" - "fill" is very misleading here FM_Notes zFrequencies zFMFrequencies FMFrequencies standardize name PSGFrequencies zPSGFrequencies zPSGFrequencies zTrackVolFlutter zTrack.VolFlutter zTrack.VolEnv VolEnvIdx The "instrument" is the actual envelope, this is the array index within the envelope. zTrackVoiceIndex VoiceIndex VoiceIndex Instrument I prefer the term "instrument" instead of "voice" here. ModulationCtrl ModEnv for standardization with VolEnv [Variables 2] f_stopmusic StopMusic zPauseFlag PauseMusic It is used for pause/unpause only. v_playsnd0 QueueToPlay zNextSound SoundID Sound ID that is played. v_playsnd1 SFXToPlay zMusicNumber SoundQueue0 The sound queue is processed and 1 ID is moved to the SoundID slot. v_playsnd2 SFXStereoToPlay zSFXNumber0 SoundQueue1 v_playnull SFXUnknown zSFXNumber1 SoundQueue2 f_voice_selector zDoSFXFlag zUpdatingSFX ?? I called it "Music Mode".