From vgmrips

This page is based on, which is based on documentation from MXC, a MML compiler for the X68000. There are other compilers available as well, with more features, such as note.x (available here), however, they all compile to MDX.

Lines starting with A-H or P are considered to be MML data. If a note length is preceded by a '%', the length is in clock ticks. Example: c+%36. Note lengths can be connected using ^. Example: f2 ^ 8 ^ 192. Note length is up to 256 ticks. A quarter note is 48 ticks.


Below, # represents a number.

t# Set the tempo, the number of quarter notes in one second.

@t# Set tempo by setting the value of OPM register B. Initial value @t200.

@# Set the current voice. Range is @0 - @255. Initial value is undefined.

o# Set octave. Range is o0 - o8. Initial value is o4.

< Transpose one octave below.

> Transpose one octave above.

l# Set note length. Default is l4.

a - g Note. Append a + to go up one semitone (sharp), and a - to go down a semitone (flat). Notes are followed by a numerical value to specify length. Otherwise the value of l# is used.

n# Note by numeric value. Range is n0 - n95. n0 is o0d+ and n95 is o8d. In this case, sound length is separated with a ,.

r# Rest. Length is the same as note length.

q# Staccato. Specify note duration, in eights of the full duration. Range is q1 - q8. Default is q8.

@q# Staccato, with note duration specified as number of ticks.

_ Portamento. If specified right after a note, the sound glides from one note to the next.

v# Set volume. Range is v0 - v15. Initial value v8.

@v# Fine volume. Range is @v0 - @v127.

( Lower volume.

) Raise volume.

p# Pan. p0 = No output, p1 = Left only. p2 = Right only. p3 = Left and right. Default value p3.

L Specify loop start. After track ends, optionally loop from here (player will decide how many loops).

D# Detune in 1/64 semitones. Range is D-32767 - D32767. Initial value is D0.

[]# Repeat a specified number of times. Range is 2 - 255.

/ Inside a repeat, during the last repetition, skip from here to the end of the repeat.

y#1,#2 Write OPM register #1 with value #2.

k# Delay this many ticks before playing note. Default is k0.

w# Set OPM noise frequency. Range is w0 - w31.

S# Sync send. Resume playback on the specified channel, if it is in Sync wait mode. Values are A-H, P or 0-8.

W Sync wait. Wait for a Sync send command on another channel.

MP#1,#2,#3 Set Pitch LFO values. * #1: LFO waveform (0 = sawtooth, 1 = square, 2 = triangle) * #2: 1/4 LFO cycle in ticks * #3: LFO max amplitude

MPON Modulate Pitch ON. Enable pitch LFO.

MPOF Modulate Pitch OFf. Disable pitch LFO.

MA#1,#2,#3 Set Amplitude LFO values. * #1 LFO waveform (0 = sawtooth, 1 = square, 2 = triangle) * #2 1/4 LFO cycle in ticks * #3 LFO max amplitude

MAON Modulate Amplitude ON. Enable amplitude LFO.

MAOF Modulate Amplitude OFf. Disable amplitude LFO.

MD# Delay from key-on to the start of LFO modulation. Range is MD0 - MD255. MD0 means no delay. Does not apply to OPM LFO.

MH#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7 Set OPM LFO values. * #1 LFO waveform (0 = sawtooth, 1 = square, 2 = triangle, 3 = noise) * #2 LFRQ * #3 PMD * #4 AMD * #5 PMS * #6 AMS * #7 Key sync. 0 = asynchronous, 1 = synchronous.



! Ignore all following commands on the current channel.

F# Change PCM frequency. Default is F4 * F0: 3.9kHz * F1: 5.2kHz * F2: 7.8kHz * F3: 10.4kHz * F4: 15.6kHz

Voice definition

If a line starts with @, it is the beginning of a voice definition. A voice can be defined at any point in the text.

@1 = {
    /* AR  DR  SR  RR  SL  OL  KS  ML DT1 DT2 AME */
       28,  4,  0,  5,  1, 37,  2,  1,  7,  0,  0,
       22,  9,  1,  2,  1, 47,  2, 12,  0,  0,  0,
       29,  4,  3,  6,  1, 37,  1,  3,  3,  0,  0,
       15,  7,  0,  5, 10,  0,  2,  1,  0,  0,  1,
    /* CON FL OP */
       2,  7, 15

Auxiliary commands

If a line starts with #, it is considered an auxiliary command.

  • #title "..." Define title of the song.
  • #pcmfile "..." Define a PDX file associated with this song. Extension is optional. File is searched in the same directory as resulting MDX file, or in a pre-defined PDX path.


A simple example of a MML file is:

#title "Test MML file"
	14, 4, 2, 2,  0, 26, 0, 1,  5, 0, 0,
	15, 12, 2, 9,  2, 0, 0, 1,  0, 0, 0,
	14, 0, 2, 2,  0, 36, 0, 1,  1, 0, 0,
	15, 4, 2, 9,  2, 0, 0, 1,  0, 0, 0,
	/* CON FL OP */
	4, 7, 15

A @0t120cdefg

Which is basically a 5-note song (cdefg) with 1 voice, a title, at 120BPM.

External links