46 Okunen Monogatari ~The Shinka Ron~

Sound chip: YM2203
System: PC-9801
Composer: Koichi Sugiyama
Developer: Almanic
Publisher: Enix
Release date: 1990
01. Genesis 1:04 + 0:45
02. Opening Theme 1:24
03. Spring is Coming 0:43
04. Theme of Shrine 0:38 + 0:37
05. Field Theme A 0:50 + 0:32
06. Battle Theme 0:28 + 0:26
07. Evolution Theme 0:21 + 0:21
08. Creepy Dungeon 1:17 + 0:52
09. Theme of Goddess Gaia 0:42 + 0:42
10. Sorrow 0:59 + 0:42
11. Theme of Curse 0:25 + 0:24
12. Destruction and Birth 0:15 + 0:15
13. Field Theme B 0:49 + 0:34
14. Army of Atlantis 0:26 + 0:23
15. Tension! 0:35 + 0:34
16. Final Battle 0:42 + 0:31
17. End of Battle 1:01 + 1:01
18. Ending 2:58
19. Evolution Fanfare 0:04
20. Good Item 0:05
21. Bad Item 0:03
22. Sugiyaman 0:29 + 0:29
23. End of Evolution 0:53 + 0:30
24. Game Over 0:06
Total: 17:05 + 9:29
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2020-08-06 Gnome Initial release.
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The prequel to "E.V.O.: Search for Eden".
While it wasn't released outside of Japan,
this game was translated by fans and is
known as "E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution".

With Sugiyama as the composer, it has
lots of Dragon Quest vibes.

Track names are taken from the hidden
sound test.


Source: VGMRips

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