F-15 Strike Eagle II

Sound chip: YM2612
System: Mega Drive
Composer: Matt Furniss
Developer: MicroProse
Publisher: MicroProse
Release date: 1993
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2005-12-04 2ch-N Initial release.
1.05 2014-08-26 dissident93 Updated composer tags.
1.10 2021-12-10 The789Guy Fixed txt file for vgmrips.
1.11 2022-01-01 andlabs Further fixed txt file for vgmrips.
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* VGM music package                           *
* https://vgmrips.net/                        *

Game name:           F-15 Strike Eagle II
System:              Sega Mega Drive
Music hardware:      YM2612
Complete music dump: Yes

Music author:        Matt Furniss
Game developer:      MicroProse
Game publisher:      MicroProse
Game release date:   1993

Package created by:  2ch-N
Package version:     1.11

Song list, in approximate game order:
Song name                           Length:
                                    Total  Loop
Up, Up and Away                     3:08   2:48
Decisions, Decisions                1:06   0:51
Over the Top                        2:38   2:21
Down to Earth                       0:19   -
Clipped Wings                       0:07   -
Aw, Shucks                          0:10   -
Beyond the Call                     0:07   -
Read All About It                   0:24   0:20


Package history:
1.00 2005-12-04 2ch-N: Initial release.
1.05 2014-08-26 dissident93: Updated composer
1.10 2021-12-10 The789Guy: Fixed txt file for
1.11 2022-01-01 andlabs: Further fixed txt file
 for vgmrips.
• • •


Source: VGMRips

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