Skate or Die!

Sound chips: SN76489 PC-Speaker
Systems: PC/AT Tandy 1000 PC/XT
Composers: Rob Hubbard Kyle Granger
Developer: Sculptured Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release date: 1988
01. Title Screen [Tandy 1000] 4:04 + 4:04
02. Title Screen [PC] 0:21 + 0:21
03. Pool Joust 1:08 + 1:08
04. Downhill Race 1:15 + 1:15
05. Alley Jam 0:48 + 0:48
06. Ramp Highjump 0:27 + 0:27
07. Ramp Freestyle 1:03 + 1:03
Total: 9:04 + 9:04
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2017-01-08 NewRisingSun Initial release.
1.01 2017-09-29 NewRisingSun Replaced track data PCM commands with data bank and stream commands.
1.02 2017-10-21 NewRisingSun Corrected the AY-3-8910 chip clock.
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On a Tandy 1000 system, after the title screen,
the game absurdly uses the PC speaker for
music and the NCR7496 for sound effects.


Source: VGMRips

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