Sukeban Jansi Ryuko

Sound chip: YM2151
System: System 16B
Composers: 3 Saiji Vaccine Maruyama Yamakake Soutarou Naniga Kamei
Developer: Whiteboard
Publisher: Whiteboard
Release date: 1988-01
01. Coin 0:04
02. Main BGM 1 0:50 + 0:49
03. Enemy Called Riichi 1:08 + 1:08
04. Ryu-kyoku 0:03
05. Enemy Wins 0:03
06. Main BGM 2 0:33 + 0:33
07. Ryuko Called Riichi 0:37 + 0:37
08. Ryuko Wins 0:04
09. Final Boss Appearing 0:05
10. Ending 0:52 + 0:52
11. Game Over 0:05
12. Unused 1 0:05
13. Unused 2 0:37 + 0:33
Total: 5:01 + 4:29
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2013-03-14 Sonic of 8! Initial release.
1.10 2016-04-21 HarmoDevil Added composers and Japanese game system tags.
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This game was the only 3rd-party on System 16
hardware (altrought there much more others,
like Sunsoft, Westone and Success, but Sega
was distributed these games). Also, White Board
was developed and distriubted DakkoChan House,
on Sega System 2 hardware (but is not the only
3rd-party game on hardware, Noboranka by DECO
was the other title), another game that is of
same genre.
-Sonic of 8!

Due to the instruments (particularly the drums)
having similarities to the ones used by
Katsuhiro Hayashi, I have a feeling Sega may
have given Whiteboard a development kit, which
probably came with the code for his sound

Sonic of 8!

Source: VGMRips

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