Xenon: Mugen no Shitai

Sound chips: YM3438 RF5C68
System: FM Towns
Composer: Ryu Umemoto
Developer: C's Ware
Publisher: C's Ware
Release date: 1995-03-31
01. Desertstorm 1:44 + 1:07
02. Dream 3:11 + 3:11
03. Realize 2:15 + 1:55
04. Ranphar 1 2:56 + 2:56
05. Encoder 3:02 + 2:33
06. Access 1:19 + 1:19
07. Moonlight 2:18 + 2:18
08. Memory 1:56 + 1:56
09. Contact 0:54 + 0:54
10. 7th 1:43 + 1:40
11. Risk 0:53 + 0:41
12. Magenta 0:43 + 0:43
13. Synaps 2:41 + 2:14
14. Fact 2:51 + 2:51
15. Past 3:11 + 3:11
16. Xenon 3:22 + 2:15
17. Ranphar 2 1:42 + 1:41
18. Magnify 1:17 + 1:17
19. The Pirate 1:51 + 1:50
20. Reamer 1:55 + 1:55
21. Risk (no SFX) 0:47 + 0:41
Total: 42:19 + 38:55
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2020-11-04 dj.tuBIG/MaliceX Initial rel.
Size reductions
vgm_sro7.38 MB6.43 MB87.1%
vgm_cmp6.43 MB2.78 MB43.2%
12 ratings • 465 downloads • 4208 views
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Logged in-game using MAME 0.200 VGM mod.

Yes, had to write my own binary data rotation
tool as a means to play different tracks at a
particular point of the game, as well as
recreating the game disc to load... Not fun.

It's worth noting however that while it is
PMD music data, the packed data also included
variations of the PC-98 versions for OPNA,
but they don't seemingly work in-game (unless
it's a sound test thing? No idea) and playing
them back standalone suggests they are
unfinished ports (eg: patch/echo issues).
These have NOT been logged as I had no way of
playing them back from within the game at

Track list adapted from official OST release:

Size reduction:
1. vgm_sro: 7.38 MB -> 6.43 MB (87.1 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 6.43 MB -> 2.78 MB (43.2 %)
Total: 7.38 MB -> 2.78 MB (37.7 %)


Source: VGMRips

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