Packs with music by Yukiharu Urita

Packs 1 to 4 of 4 total

Illusion City 40 songs • 1.38 MB

Chips: AY-3-8910 YM2413
Developer: Micro Cabin
Publisher: Micro Cabin
Systems: MSX turbo R
Composer: Tadahiro Nitta Yukiharu Urita Yasufumi Fukuda
Pack author: sdsnatcher73
732 downloads • 9396 views • released 10.03.2019 • updated 10.03.2019

The Tower of Gazzel 35 songs • 845.15 KB

Chips: AY-3-8910 YM2413
Developer: Micro Cabin
Publisher: Micro Cabin
Systems: MSX2
Composer: Tadahiro Nitta Yukiharu Urita Yasufumi Fukuda
Pack author: sdsnatcher73
421 downloads • 4869 views • released 26.09.2019 • updated 26.09.2019

Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence 28 songs • 607.92 KB

Chips: YM2203
Developer: Microcabin
Publisher: Microcabin
Systems: PC-9801
Composer: Yukiharu Urita
Pack author: GTheGuardian
396 downloads • 5354 views • released 09.04.2018 • updated 09.04.2018

The Tower of Gazzel 35 songs • 315.86 KB

Chips: AY-3-8910
Developer: Micro Cabin
Publisher: Micro Cabin
Systems: MSX2
Composer: Tadahiro Nitta Yukiharu Urita Yasufumi Fukuda
Pack author: sdsnatcher73
212 downloads • 2207 views • released 13.11.2019 • updated 11.11.2020

Packs 1 to 4 of 4 total