Beyond Oasis (U) / The Story of Thor (E) / The Story of Thor: Hikari o Tsugamono (J)

Sound chips: SN76489 YM2612
Systems: Mega Drive Genesis
Composer: Yuzo Koshiro
Developer: Ancient
Publisher: Sega
Release date: 1994-12-09 (J) / 1995 (W)
01. Introduction 2:34
02. Awakening 0:13 + 0:13
03. To Begin 1:00
04. Battle 0:57 + 0:40
05. Peaceful 1:11 + 0:58
06. The Story of Thor 2:20 + 2:10
07. Holiness 1:30 + 1:30
08. Aqua 0:58 + 0:58
09. Burning Cave 1:15 + 1:05
10. Fortress 1:17 + 1:17
11. Vessel 1:32 + 1:13
12. Indication 0:20 + 0:20
13. Stone Place 2:02 + 2:00
14. Boundless Cliff 0:40 + 0:39
15. Raging Wind 0:32 + 0:29
16. Abyss 0:32 + 0:29
17. Mysterious Green 1:36 + 1:36
18. Chaos 1:14 + 0:52
19. Evil Territory 0:47 + 0:47
20. Water Cave 1:46 + 1:43
21. The Huge Creature 0:26 + 0:26
22. Voice from Darkside 0:52 + 0:52
23. Last Battle 1:18 + 1:18
24. Triumph 0:06
25. Item Get! 0:02
26. Magic Jewel 0:01
27. Encounter 0:39
28. Requiem 0:07
29. Concentration 1:56 + 1:56
30. Fireball 0:33 + 0:26
31. Deep Hole 2:08 + 1:05
32. Confession 1:17 + 1:17
33. Ending 5:21
34. Master Mind 0:26 + 0:26
Total: 39:14 + 26:33
Version Date Author Description
1.01 2022-01-03 andlabs Fixed txt file for vgmrips.
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An awesome Non-Traditional RPG From Sega. It
has a sequel, Legend of Oasis/Story of Thor 2
on the Sega Saturn. I've never played it, but
I'm definitely going to one day. And hopefully
Sega will revive this franchise someday... the
mind can only dream at what kind of game it
would be.

This is a RARE Koshiro Soundtrack in the sense
that it uses no PCM. This means it's small as
hell, and it was a breeze to trim and tag the
files as compared to, say, any SOR/BK games,
where even the first was 10 Megs.

Odd little bit of Trivia: DJSW was poking in
the ROM and found that the sound test code,
including these tracknames, is identical
to the US release of Crusader of Centy.
Odder still, considering that code isn't
present in the Euro or Japanese versions -
only in the US one. Odd...

Some of the songs are rather "poppy" - they
behaved like this in the actual game, and it
isn't a fault with my rips, or the plugin.

No Cop, No Stop!

Dark Pulse

Source: VGMRips

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