
Sound chip: AY-3-8910
System: MSX
Composers: Nobuyuki Ohnogi (AC) Unknown (MSX)
Developer: Namco (AC / MSX)
Publisher: Namco
Release date: 1984-05-30
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2014-06-06 Sonic of 8! Initial release.
7 ratings • 225 downloads • 6963 views
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* VGM music package                           *
*                     *
Game name:           Galaga
System:              MSX
Music hardware:      AY-3-8910A

Music author:        Nobuyuki Oonogi (AC);
                     unknown (MSX)
Game developer:      Namco (AC / MSX)
Game publisher:      Namco
Game release date:   1984-05-30

Package created by:  Sonic of 8!
Package version:     1.00

Song list, in approximate game order:
Song name                           Length:
                                    Total  Loop
01 Game Start Music                 0:07   -
02 Fighter is Taken Away            0:04   -
03 Fighter Recaptured               0:04   -
04 Captive is Shot                  0:04   -
05 Extend                           0:02   -
06 Challenging Stage Start          0:02   -
07 Imperfect Result in Challenging
   Stage                            0:08   -
08 Perfect Result in Challenging
   Stage                            0:08   -
09 Name Entry (2nd ~ 5th Place)     0:06   0:06

Total Length                        0:45   0:51


Package history:
1.00 2014-06-06 Sonic of 8!: Initial release.
• • •

Sonic of 8!

Source: VGMRips

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