Home Alone

Sound chips: SN76489 YM2612
Systems: Mega Drive Genesis
Composers: Clifford Falls Rolf Weber
Developer: Brian A. Rice Inc.
Publisher: Sega
Release date: 1992-11 (E) / 1992-12 (U)
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2021-12-23 BuskinCothurn Initial release.
2.00 2022-08-30 RN22 Fully re-ripped on BlastEm, screenshot taken on Sega Retro, Fixed errors including the composer, added external links, added accurate description on notes section, reduced volume gain, and added extended tracks.
2.10 2022-09-05 RN22 Fixed track 12 and 14's loop points. Changed tagging on track 05, and in-game version of that track.
2.30 2022-11-18 RN22 Re-sized reduction.
2.31 2023-06-10 andlabs Updated the handle of the original pack author, on their request.
Size reductions
optvgm79.6 MB50 MB62.8%
vgm_cmp50 MB11.1 MB22.2%
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This game was based on the original movie,
Home Alone, Kevin's been left "home alone"
while his family are going on a vacation.
So, Kevin took his hands to fight against
burglars Harry and Marv. In the movie,
Kevin guard his house, and set booby traps
inside to keep Harry and Marv stealing items.
But in this game, different houses are guarded
by Kevin. This game uses GEMS sound driver for
the music and sounds, same as my Kawasaki VGM

So, basically. BuskinCothurn did a full VGM
pack of this game, Home Alone. The difference
between BuskinCothurn's Ver 1.00 pack, and My
Ver 2.00 pack, is much longer time length.
Why? To give the tracks more consistent loops
and looks like it ripped from that game.
Although, andlabs did mentioned this.

-The composer field in the pack (Rolf Weber,
Cliff Falls) does not match the composer
field in the .txt file (Steve Collett,
Nick Stroud). According to the game's credits
it should be the former (and it should also
be Clifford Falls for consistency with the
packs already on the site).

Edit: Re-ripped all the tracks of this game
and give accurate tagging, based on
BuskinCothurn's tracks, and Sega Retro.

The timing on Weapons Inventory seems wonky,
noticeable at the start of every measure when
the two rapid notes in the bell-ish lead come

Edit: Maybe it's just the driver? I've had no
problems logging this track. Also, on the
second loop. I've trimmed the second bell-ish
drum part with the help of vgmlpfnd. Although
the first loop was seem to have a bell-ish
drum part in the beginning of the track, while
the second loop part, there's no bell-ish drum
part played on that loop.

Is it just me or is the timing on the opening
chord / first chord of the loop of McCallister
Mansion off? This doesn't seem like a looping
issue this time since it's also apparent on
the first go...

Edit: There's the second part of this track
which finding exact loop points is very
difficult, I use vgmlpfnd as a guide on where
do I put the exact loop. So, it might be off.
But, who knows?

There appears to be a brief pause at Country
House's loop point. There might be a shorter
one on Ultra Modern House as well?

Edit: Yes, it is. On what I hear during
logging, there's a short pause on track
09's Country House. Don't know what cause
about it. I did check each loops on Audacity
by using duplication method. It means that I
have to trim every end of the loop. And I
confirmed that, There's a short pause on this
track, and I can't fix it by myself. Probably,
GEMS driver caused this issue. I have no
choice, but to keep it as original. Since it
is what it is supposed to be a short pause on
that track, and I can't do anything about it,
even when I tried to remove it, there's some
note errors at the start, you know what I

About Track 11's Ultra Modern House. I think,
there's no brief pause when I logged it. It
plays like normal. Again, maybe the GEMS
driver? Also, I've included the "In-game
version of this track, since what I believe
that this track loops up to 12.

Almost 8 months, since BuskinCothurn
didn't update this VGM pack, so I had to
do it by myself, it's because the musics
of this game is so good to hear in my

Track Names are taken from the sound test
of the game, and BuskinCothurn's VGM pack.
Track orders are based on the sound test.

Note: Track 07's chime notes is off and
delayed every part of that track, I mean
the whole song of this is just goes slowly
moves the chime notes into the another part
of the song. And on my first attempt doing
this, it took me 5 hours on trying to log it.
And I can almost hear the higher chime notes
played at the beginning of the track, on the
second part of the track after the first
wah-wah part. The tricky part is, to find
where the exact loop points I need to trim.
Also, that thing is huge. 5 hours of logging
this track gives me at around 666MB for my
first attempt. My best solution is, I'll try
to log it 24 hours on my cousin's PC. As long
as it didn't shuts off randomly. Just for you,
VGM listeners. I'll just put the full VGM rip
pack on my MEGA.nz link. You can find it on
the external links section. VGMRips version
may not include this In-game track. Like I
said, this thing is huge. But not right now.
Maybe on the next update of this VGM pack.
Maybe Ver 2.50? I'll just update it onto
the submissions thread of this pack. Or if
this thing listed to the site, I'll just
edit the external links on the front page of
this VGM pack.


Track 05's Blueprint. There's a part where,
drums get silenced. So i've included it in

I included the looped version of Track 12's
Good Ending and Staff Roll. Why, I'm jamming
to this song, and I'm so bored repeating this
over and over. So I'll add the custom loop of
this track without clicking repeat over and
over, and it just goes infinitely playing this

Took me 3 days to re-rip this, and trying to
find the exact loop. And research about this
game. Because what depends on the track, is
randomly playing notes, Like Track 08 and 11.
I had some problems trimming this music. But,
I'm trying my best to make this VGM pack alook
more like the game's music itself.

Ver 2.10 update:
Thank god, I fixed track 12 and 14's loop
points, and I just knew something was off.
I just watched the whole gameplay of this game
and the staff roll music was cutted off when I
use vgm_sptd. 

Ver 2.30 update:
Re-optvgm'ed and re-vgm_cmp'ed.

Generated by BlastEm 0.6.3 
(pre-dc4268a778bc) AUG-23-2022.

Size reduction:
1. optvgm: 79.6 MB -> 50.0 MB (62.8 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 50.0 MB -> 11.1 MB (22.3 %)
Total: 79.6 MB -> 11.1 MB (14.0 %)

External links:
Sega Retro:

RN22 BuskinCothurn

Source: VGMRips

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