Injuu no Datenshi: Requiem for Fallen Angels

Sound chip: YM2608
System: PC-9801
Composer: Shigeharu Isoda
Developer: GEO
Publisher: Discovery
Release date: 1996
02. Requiem for Fallen Angels 1:59 + 1:58
03. Main Street 1:37 + 1:36
04. If You Are... 1:03 + 1:02
05. Missing Wing 1:46 + 1:43
06. Peace of Mind 1:19 + 1:17
07. Cat Tail-Walk 2:21 + 2:17
08. Feeling of Darkness 2:14 + 2:13
09. Club Eden 2:51 + 2:51
10. Libla 0:56 + 0:56
11. Dis Communication 1:08 + 1:00
12. Only My Fallen Angel 1:07 + 1:04
13. Welcome Heaven 2:04 + 1:57
14. Seventh Kiss 1:34 + 1:29
15. Dark Romance 1:49 + 1:48
16. Broke'n Giar 3:01
Total: 26:48 + 23:07
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2022-04-27 GTheGuardian Initial release.
Size reductions
vgm_cmp14.6 MB3.82 MB26.2%
5 ratings • 366 downloads • 1467 views
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Track names are sourced from the in-game
Sound Player.

Requires VGMPlay/in_vgm 0.51.0+.

This pack was made using Neko Project 21 VGM

Size reduction (vgm_cmp):
    14.6 MB -> 3.82 MB (26.2 %)


Source: VGMRips

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