Jungle King / Jungle Hunt / Pirate Pete

Sound chip: AY-3-8910
System: SJ System
Composer: Unknown
Developer: Taito
Publisher: Taito
Release date: 1982-06-23 (J "King") / 1982-07 (J "Hunt") / 1982-08 (UE "Hunt/King") / 1982-11 (Pirate Pete)
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2023-01-07 RN22 Initial release.
Size reductions
vgm_ndlz25.5 MB10.5 MB41.2%
vgm_cmp10.5 MB19 KB0.2%
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1982 game made by Taito. Jungle Hunt, Jungle
King (outside of NA and Brazil), and Pirate
Pete (NA exclusive).

Jungle King was first introduced in Japan,
then the US. But due to copyright over the
character's likeness of Tarzan, Taito
re-modified the game as Jungle Hunt.

In the late 1982, Taito again re-changed the
game to Pirate Pete, being replaced the main
theme and the intro. But it's the same
gameplay mechanics.

Track 09's pirate chant uses R-2R DAC, which
is not supported on the VGM format. Instead,
I use sound code B3 to replicate that, but
only played once. The same as credit sound.
I can't logged these track, unless there's
someone wanted to share the modified MAME VGM
mod with DAC logging, so I can update onto
this pack. The same as "Credit SFX" and
"Tarzan Yell / Jungle SFX (alternate sound)".
Both of them cannot be logged due to being
played on a R-2R DAC.

I also cannot identify the sound codes of
"Main Theme". Even tho I've deeply searched
it on debugger, still no luck. I've logged
this track by slowing down the Main CPU.
Since intro and this track are joined together
when the game starts so I had to slow it down
when it goes off trimming.

I didn't include the Player Miss theme because
there's bunch of them. And it's part of the

Since this game uses 2xAY8910. I'm gonna
separate it into one. It's because the
other AY chip are unused. So I had to
strip it using vgm_ndlz to remove all
unused chips in each vgms I've logged. So
in conclusion, This thing plays only one
AY chip. One is for the musics, and the
other one is for SFX.

The reason why I delayed submitting packs,
because of this. Don't know where to start.

Generated by MAME 0.248 VGM mod

Size reduction:
1. vgm_ndlz: 25.5 MB -> 10.5 MB (41.1 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 10.5 MB -> 19.0 KB (0.178 %)
Total: 25.5 MB -> 19.0 KB (0.0730 %)

External links:
The Cutting Roon Floor:


Source: VGMRips

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