Mr. Gimmick! (UE)

Sound chip: NES APU (RP2A07)
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Composer: Masashi Kageyama
Developer: Sunsoft
Publisher: Sunsoft
Release date: 1992-01-31 (J) / 1992 (US proto) / 1993-05-05 (E)
01. Rise N' Shine [Good Morning] (Opening) 1:20
02. No Limits, Just Gimmicks (Map) 0:17 + 0:16
03. Happy Birthday Superstar! (Stage 1) 1:06 + 0:59
04. Calm Seas and Good Weather (Stage 2) 0:58 + 0:55
05. A Paradox (Stage 3 Underground) 0:13 + 0:10
06. Forest's Slow Illusion (Stage 3 Aboveground) 0:57 + 0:54
07. Dry Desert Paradigm (Stage 4) 0:42 + 0:32
08. Iron Guts, Lion Heart (Stage 5) 1:15 + 1:00
09. Cadbury Rock (Stage 6 Interior) 1:09 + 0:47
10. Innocent Savior (Stage 6 Exterior) 0:21 + 0:09
11. Aporia, Oh My! (Boss BGM 1) 0:51 + 0:47
12. Identity Believer, Dream Weaver (Boss BGM 2 Serious Mode) 0:36 + 0:32
13. A Nap Before the Storm [Siesta] (Normal End) 0:45
14. Just Friends, Bein' Friends (Secret Item Stage) 0:57 + 0:45
15. Sophia [Take 2] (Stage 7) 1:33 + 1:04
16. Evidence of My Life (Last Battle Part 1) 0:08 + 0:05
17. A Long Tomorrow (Last Battle Part 2) 0:34 + 0:30
18. C'mon, Let's Go Home! [Good Night ~ Take 2] (True End) 1:40
19. Strange Memories of Death (Unused) 1:13 + 0:59
20. Cadbury Rock (Alternative Ver.) 1:09 + 0:47
Total: 17:33 + 11:06
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2022-10-16 RN22 Initial release
Size reductions
vgm_cmp3.23 MB1.83 MB56.7%
16 ratings • 458 downloads • 3854 views
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Also known as Gimmick! in Japan. European or
PAL release of this game, are the same as the
US prototype release. I'm using US prototype
for this VGM rip as indicate that it is
complete, according to TCRF.

I've also tried to log this game on NEZplug.
But, DPCM was off due to frequency and
region Hz speed, the pitch in DPCM was -1
lower than the other 5 channels.

ctr's Gimmick VGM pack was slightly different
than mine (European/American release) due to
the fact that YM2149 didn't include in the
game cartridge. Example for this, was
"Paradox". The japanese version of this have
harmonic chords, while the european version
of this, is missing leaving only bass and lead.

Track names are taken from "Gimmick! 30th
Anniversary OST (HE Edition)" from YouTube.
Track orders are based from ctr's Gimmick!.
Also, the japanese tagging was taken from the
sound test of the game. As well as ctr's
Gimmick pack, but with some few japanese

Alternate version of "Cadbury" didn't include
in the European release, as well as the .nsf
file made by rainwarrior. To do this, I
trimmed the drum intro to look more like the
alternate version of Cadbury. I didn't planned
to add this track because it is not included
in the game, but I added it anyways just for
you, VGM listeners.

Generated by MAME 0.244 VGM mod

Size reduction:
1. vgm_cmp: 3.23 MB -> 1.83 MB (56.4 %)
Total: 3.23 MB -> 1.83 MB (56.4 %)

External links:
The Cutting Room Floor:


Source: VGMRips

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