Penguin Adventure (E) / Yume Tairiku Adventure (J)

Sound chip: AY-3-8910
System: MSX
Composers: Kenichi Matsubara Yoshinori Sasaki
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Release date: 1986-10-28
01. Title Screen 0:11
02. Map 0:08
03. Forest Path 0:58 + 0:50
04. Cave Explorer 0:33 + 0:33
05. Ice Path 0:27 + 0:27
06. River Run 0:44 + 0:40
07. Underwater 0:22 + 0:22
08. Red Desert 0:23 + 0:23
09. Cold River 0:51 + 0:45
10. Snowy Woods 0:56 + 0:52
11. Fisher Shop 0:43 + 0:33
12. Santa Claus Shop 0:33 + 0:33
13. Angry Fisher Shop 0:15 + 0:15
14. Slot Machine 0:09 + 0:06
15. Super Power 0:29 + 0:29
16. Wings 0:04
17. Bonus Stage 0:24 + 0:24
18. Warp Cave 0:12
19. Boss Theme 0:21 + 0:13
20. Boss Theme (no intro) 0:20 + 0:13
21. Victory Fanfare 0:10
22. Winning Dance 0:09
23. Arrival 0:08
24. Walking into the Tree 0:09
25. Got Fruit 0:09
26. Good Ending 0:31
27. Bad Ending 0:31
28. Staff Roll 1:13
29. Game Over 0:09
Total: 11:56 + 7:29
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2014-02-18 Sonic of 8! Initial release.
1.01 2014-02-26 Valley Bell Fixed screenshots.
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* VGM music package                           *
*                     *
Game name:           Penguin Adventure (E) /
                     Yume Tairiku Adventure (J)
System:              MSX
Music hardware:      AY-3-8910A

Music author:        Yoshinori Sasaki,
                     Kenichi Matsubara
Game developer:      Konami
Game publisher:      Konami
Game release date:   1986-10-28

Package created by:  Sonic of 8!
Package version:     1.01

Song list, in approximate game order:
Song name                           Length:
                                    Total  Loop
01 Title Screen                     0:10   -
02 Map                              0:07   -
03 Forest Path                      0:57   0:50
04 Cave Explorer                    0:32   0:32
05 Ice Path                         0:26   0:26
06 River Run                        0:43   0:39
07 Underwater                       0:21   0:21
08 Red Desert                       0:22   0:22
09 Cold River                       0:50   0:45
10 Snowy Woods                      0:56   0:51
11 Fisher Shop                      0:43   0:32
12 Santa Claus Shop                 0:32   0:32
13 Angry Fisher Shop                0:14   0:14
14 Slot Machine                     0:08   0:06
15 Super Power                      0:29   0:29
16 Wings                            0:04   -
17 Bonus Stage                      0:23   0:23
18 Warp Cave                        0:11   -
19 Boss Theme                       0:21   0:13
20 Boss Theme (no intro)            0:19   0:13
21 Victory Fanfare                  0:10   -
22 Winning Dance                    0:09   -
23 Arrival                          0:07   -
24 Walking into the Tree            0:09   -
25 Got Fruit                        0:08   -
26 Good Ending                      0:31   -
27 Bad Ending                       0:30   -
28 Staff Roll                       1:12   -
29 Game Over                        0:08   -

Total Length                       11:55  19:24


Package history:
1.00 2014-02-18 Sonic of 8!: Initial release.
1.01 2014-02-26 Valley Bell: Fixed screenshots.
• • •

Sonic of 8!

Source: VGMRips

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