The Combatribes

Sound chip: YM2151
System: The Combatribes
Composer: Kazunaka Yamane
Developer: Technos Japan
Publishers: Technos Japan (J) American Technos (U)
Release date: 1990
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2016-12-21 The Golden Horse Initial release.
1.01 2016-12-26 The Golden Horse Repackaged the VGZ files.
Size reductions
vgm_sro5.56 MB1.06 MB19.1%
vgm_cmp1.06 MB422 KB38.9%
gzip422 KB80.6 KB19.1%
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  Double Dragon 3 / The Combatribes
  Scitron/Pony Canyon  PCCB-00065  Jun 21, 1991
  MAME 0.164 mod by Valley Bell

Technos Japan Corp. returns to the days of
their first beat-'em-up "Renegade" with "The
Combatribes", an arena brawler where you take
on entire gangs coming at you from all sides,
either by yourself or with up to two friends!

Credit-munching difficulty aside (you're
encouraged to insert coins mid-game to restore
your life), the action comes alive in the sound
department courtesy of Kazunaka Yamane. Many of
the tracks are very short, with only the
credits theme loop lasting beyond a minute, but
when you're smashing two gangsters' heads
together and polishing the street with their
faces, you won't notice. You're not likely to
notice when listening to this pack, either,
because Mr. Yamane remembers to make as much of
a song's length as he can. The fact that the
game reserves sound effects for the OKI M6295
chip frees him to use every channel of the
YM2151 to maximize its potential. You haven't
lived until you've heard FM synths combined to
create a distorted guitar, with "The Motorcycle
Nuclear Warheads", "Persian Warlord" and
"Destroy Overdrive" as stand-outs in this

Some notes about these VGZ files before I go:

* The English and Japanese song titles are
  slightly different even though all the song
  titles are originally in English. This is
  because the track list on the "Double Dragon
  3 / The Combatribes" CD, where I got them
  from, is riddled with typos (e.g. "Warlord"
  spelled as "Warload"!). These errors are
  fixed in the English tags, but preserved in
  the Japanese tags for accuracy.
* If you're wondering why I said only the
  credits theme lasts more than a minute after
  noticing the same goes for track 10, "War
  Paint", that's because the song goes through
  two complete loops before hitting its loop
  point. The only difference between them is
  that the snare timing is slightly different.
  Thus, with default player settings, the VGZ
  file will fade out after completing its first
  loop so the song doesn't drag out too long.
* Track 16, the first unused song, suffers
  clipping at default volume. I therefore cut
  the VGZ file's gain in half to fix it.


(Special thanks to ctr_ for helping me debug
 the game in MAME to get an improvised sound
 test working to make this pack!)

Size reduction:
1. vgm_sro: 5.56 MB -> 1.06 MB (19.1 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 1.06 MB -> 422 KB (39.8 %)
3. gzip: 422 KB -> 80.6 KB (19.1 %)
Total: 35.1 MB -> 80.6 KB (0.23 %)

The Golden Horse

Source: VGMRips

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