AY File Format

From vgmrips

The AY File Format is described in the readme.txt file from the Micro Speeccy package (local mirror), as well as the ReadMe.txt from AYMakeR on the ProjectAY page (local mirror).

Here is a copy:

- AY-file format (thanks to Patrik Rak for help).

	Originally this format was supporting on Amiga's DeliTracker (DeliAY plug-in).
	Therefore, all word data is in Motorola order (from hi to lo). Also, all
	pointers are signed and relative (from current position in file to pointed
	data). So, AY-file is sequences of records. First record is header. Here you

	TAYFileHeader=packed record
	 FileID,			//'ZXAY'
	 TypeID:longword;		//'EMUL'
	 FileVersion,			//Version of song file (release version)
	 PlayerVersion:byte;		//Required player version. Micro Speccy
				//works as player of version 3.
				//Now available values:
				//0       Use zero, if you do not
				//        know what player version
				//        you need
				//All other player versions and short
				//description of these players next:
				//1       initial player version
				//2       first 256 bytes is
				//        filled with 0xC9 (ret),
				//        not just last init byte
				//3       PC rewrite, different
				//        Z80 init routine, full
				//        Z80 emulation, supports
				//        48k tunes.
	 PSpecialPlayer,		//It's for tunes which contained "custom
				//player" in m68k assembly. As Patrik Rak
				//is saying, exists only one AY-file of this
				//kind. So, can be simply ignored.
	 PAuthor,PMisc:smallint;	//Relative pointers to the
				//Author and Misc NTStrings
	 NumOfSongs,FirstSong:byte;	//Number of songs and first song values, both
				//are decreased by 1
	 PSongsStructure:smallint;	//Relative pointer to song structure

	Next is song structure (repeated NumOfSongs + 1 times):

	TSongStructure=packed record
	 PSongName,PSongData:smallint;//Relative pointers to NTStr song
				//name and song data

	All described above is rightly for any AY-file. Following data only for
	TypeID = 'EMUL'. Next is song data:
	TSongData=packed record
	 CChan,Noise:byte;		//These are actually four bytes which specify
				//which Amiga channels will play which AY
				//channel (A,B,C and Noise, respectively). The
				//legal value is any permutation of 0,1,2,3.
				//The most common is 0,1,2,3. Not used in
				//Micro Speccy, of course
	 SongLength:word;		//Song duration in 1/50 of second. If ZERO then
				//length is unknown (infinitely). Not used in
				//Micro Speccy
	 FadeLength:word;		//Duration of volume fade after end of song in
				//1/50 of second. Not used in Micro Speccy
	 HiReg,LoReg:byte;		//HiReg and LoReg for all common registers:
				//AF,AF',HL,HL',DE,DE',BC,BC',IX and IY
	 PPoints,			//Relative pointer to points data
	 PAddresses:smallint;		//Relative pointer to blocks data

	Next is points data:

	TPoints = packed record
	 Stack,Init,Inter:word;	//Values for SP, INIT and INTERRUPT addresses

	Next is blocks data (words, offsets are signed):

			Address1			//Address of 1st block in Z80 memory
			Length1			//Length of 1st block
			Offset1			//Relative offset in AY-file to this block
			Address2                  //and for 2nd block
			AddressN			//and for Nth (last) block
			ENDWORD                   //ZERO word (end of blocks data)
				//so block can't have ZERO

	Notes from Patrik Rak:
	The word values should be always aligned at 2 byte offsets. Otherwise the
	DeliAY will crash (it's the limitation of the m68000).

	In case Address+Length > 65536, DeliAY decreases the size to make it
	== 65536.

	From me:
	In case CurrPositionInAYFile+Offset+Length > AYFileSize, MicroSpeccy
	and AYPlay decreases the size to make it == AYFileSize. I must to say,
	that if it is then this is broken AY-file. But there are many that ones
	in the world.

- How player of version 3 must play one of songs of AY File

		a) Fill #0000-#00FF range with #C9 value
		b) Fill #0100-#3FFF range with #FF value
		c) Fill #4000-#FFFF range with #00 value
		d) Place to #0038 address #FB value
		e) if INIT equal to ZERO then place to first CALL instruction address of
			 first AY file block instead of INIT (see next f) and g) steps)
		f) if INTERRUPT equal to ZERO then place at ZERO address next player:

	LOOP:	IM      2
		JR      LOOP

		g) if INTERRUPT not equal to ZERO then place at ZERO address next player:

	LOOP:	IM      1
		JR      LOOP

		h) Load all blocks for this song
		i) Load all common lower registers with LoReg value (including AF
		j) Load all common higher registers with HiReg value
		k) Load into I register 3 (this player version)
		l) load to SP stack value from points data of this song
		m) Load to PC ZERO value
		n) Disable Z80 interrupts and set IM0 mode
		o) Emulate resetting of AY chip
		p) Start Z80 emulation

	As you can see, blocks of AY files can to rewrite standard player routine
	with own one. So, if you can not adapt some of tunes to standard player,
	you can write own player and place it at INIT address or even at 0x0001
	address (block of AY-file can be loaded at any address except 0x0000).