College Slam

Sound chip: Game Boy DMG
System: Game Boy
Composers: Unknown (GB) Darren Mitchell
Developer: Torus Games
Publisher: Acclaim
Release date: 1996-03
01. Title Screen 0:26 + 0:26
02. Main Menu, Time Out 0:26 + 0:26
03. In-game BGM 1 0:26 + 0:26
04. In-game BGM 2 0:20 + 0:20
05. End of Half, End of Game 0:26 + 0:26
06. End of Game 2 (Unused) 0:26 + 0:26
Total: 2:28 + 2:28
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2022-11-24 RN22 Initial release.
Size reductions
vgm_cmp56.4 KB55.7 KB98.8%
7 ratings • 175 downloads • 931 views
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1996 Gameboy port made by Torus instead of
Iguana. The same mechanics as NBA Jam game.

I was able to make .gbs rip for it, since
there's no available .gbs rip for this game
online. Surprisingly, NBA Jam and this game
are the same load, init, and play address. But
the problem is, I really need to match the
speed as the actual game was. Instead of
TMA -> 0x00, I changed the offset to TMA ->
0x78, as indicate that this is the perfect
match speed compared to a original ROM.

Track names are taken from the SNES rip.

Also, This VGM pack requires VGMPlay 0.50.0
or higher to play this. Older versions of
VGMPlay might play incomplete channels or
some notes that doesn't have sustain, causing
incorrect playback.

Generated by NEZplug v0.9.4.8 + 2 + 19.20
VGM Mod.

Size reduction:
1. vgm_cmp: 56.4 KB -> 55.7 KB (98.8 %)
Total: 56.4 KB -> 55.7 KB (98.8 %)

External links:


Source: VGMRips

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