Duke Nukem II

Sound chip: YM3812
System: PC/AT
Composer: Robert Prince
Developer: Apogee Software
Publisher: Apogee Software
Release date: 1993-12-03
01. Fanfare For Duke II 0:08
02. On the Range 1:09 + 1:09
03. Theme to Duke Nukem II 0:49 + 0:49
04. Menu Select 0:16 + 0:16
05. He's Back! 2:02 + 2:02
06. Duke Kicks Ass 1:26 + 1:26
07. Evil Be Gone 1:21 + 1:21
08. You Be Dead! 1:05 + 1:05
09. Squeaking By 1:32 + 1:32
10. Fight Like a Man 2:14 + 2:14
11. Dukin' It Out 1:02 + 1:02
12. Hey Mr. Nuke Man 2:07 + 2:07
13. Out of the Depths 2:18 + 2:18
14. On the Prowl 1:57 + 1:57
15. Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry 2:43 + 2:43
16. Winning By Degrees 2:06 + 2:06
17. Openin' the Gate 0:41 + 0:41
18. Calm Before the Storm 1:05 + 1:05
19. King Duke 0:57 + 0:57
20. I Wish This Game Would Never End 1:02 + 1:02
Total: 27:49 + 27:42
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2014-04-30 The Golden Horse Initial release.
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Duke Nukem's second 2D platformer outing prior
to his transformation into a raunchy and
wise-cracking FPS hero. With only FM synthesis
to work with, Bobby Prince managed a rock
soundtrack that fits Duke's adrenaline-fueled
battle against the Rigelatins like a glove.

This pack required me to extract the IMF files
from the game's resources and put them through
ValleyBell's imf2vgm tool before processing
them. This is because in the game itself,
there's no opportunity to split the source VGM
(converted from a DRO) due to the near total
lack of silence between tracks, and some of
the tracks can never be heard in their
entirety (e.g. the "Openin' the Gate" level
completion music, because you only ever hear a
few seconds before the game loads the next
level). Of course, they didn't appear to
convert correctly and I was wondering if
something was bugged. With his help, though, I
learned this was because the game's audio
driver writes a "Waveform Enable" command
during the initialization process but the IMF
files don't have it. Two changed bytes later
and it's just like I converted a DRO.

The track titles here come from the Videogame
Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
Duke_Nukem_II_%28DOS%29), and are used here
because they were directly verified by Bobby
Prince himself. Special thanks to the site
for those titles and to ValleyBell for
helping me out with my imf2vgm problem. :)

Fun fact: This is the /only/ game using IMF
where the playback rate is 280Hz rather than
560Hz or 700Hz. The DOS version of AdPlug,
which I checked out alongside imf2vgm, has no
special casing to handle this unlike the
Winamp version, so it plays all the tracks at
super speed. Good thing we figured out what
was happening with the VGMs, huh?

The Golden Horse

Source: VGMRips

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