Wolfenstein 3-D

Sound chip: YM3812
System: PC/AT
Composer: Robert Prince
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Apogee Software
Release date: 1992-05-05
01. Horst-Wessel-Lied 0:58 + 0:58
02. Wondering About My Loved Ones 1:11 + 1:11
03. Get Them Before They Get You 1:20 + 1:20
04. Searching For the Enemy 1:06 + 1:06
05. P.O.W. 1:06 + 1:06
06. Suspense 1:55 + 1:55
07. The March to War 1:09 + 1:09
08. Enemy Around the Corner 1:02 + 1:02
09. Nazi Anthem 0:58 + 0:58
10. Lurking... 1:13 + 1:13
11. Going After Hitler 1:21 + 1:21
12. Pounding Headache 1:00 + 1:00
13. Into the Dungeons 1:07 + 1:07
14. Kill the S.O.B. 1:22 + 1:22
15. The Nazi Rap 1:23 + 1:23
16. Twelfth Hour 1:55 + 1:55
17. Zero Hour 1:10 + 1:10
18. The Ultimate Challenge 1:20 + 1:20
19. Wolf Pac 1:27 + 1:27
20. Funk You! 0:56 + 0:56
21. End of Level 0:21 + 0:21
22. U R A Hero 0:21 + 0:21
23. Roster 0:19 + 0:19
24. Hitler Waltz 1:06 + 1:06
25. Salute 0:11 + 0:11
26. Victors 1:06 + 1:06
27. Victory March 1:07 + 1:07
Total: 29:16 + 29:16
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2013-03-17 RichterEX2 Initial release.
1.01 2016-10-15 NewRisingSun Corrected tempo (very slightly). Improved loops. Fixed flubbed snare drum in tracks 7/8/10/11/18/26. Added Waveform Select Enable write to all tracks, necessary for track 19. Added volume modifier.
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* VGM music package                           *
* http://vgmrips.net/                         *
Game name:           Wolfenstein 3-D
System:              IBM PC/AT
OS:                  MS-DOS
Music hardware:      AdLib (YM3812)

Music author:        Robert Prince
Game developer:      iD Software
Game publisher:      Apogee Software
Game release date:   1992-05-05

Package created by:  RichterEX2, NewRisingSun
Package version:     1.01

Song list, in approximate game order:
Song name                           Length:
                                    Total  Loop
01 Horst-Wessel-Lied                0:58   0:58
02 Wondering About My Loved Ones    1:11   1:11
03 Get Them Before They Get You     1:20   1:20
04 Searching For the Enemy          1:06   1:06
05 P.O.W.                           1:05   1:05
06 Suspense                         1:55   1:55
07 The March to War                 1:08   1:08
08 Enemy Around the Corner          1:01   1:01
09 Nazi Anthem                      0:58   0:58
10 Lurking...                       1:12   1:12
11 Going After Hitler               1:20   1:20
12 Pounding Headache                1:00   1:00
13 Into the Dungeons                1:06   1:06
14 Kill the S.O.B.                  1:22   1:22
15 The Nazi Rap                     1:22   1:22
16 Twelfth Hour                     1:55   1:55
17 Zero Hour                        1:09   1:09
18 The Ultimate Challenge           1:20   1:20
19 Wolf Pac                         1:26   1:26
20 Funk You!                        0:55   0:55
21 End of Level                     0:20   0:20
22 U R A Hero                       0:20   0:20
23 Roster                           0:19   0:19
24 Hitler Waltz                     1:06   1:05
25 Salute                           0:11   0:11
26 Victors                          1:05   1:05
27 Victory March                    1:06   1:06

Total Length                       29:16  58:31


Package history:
1.00 2013-03-17 RichterEX2: Initial release.
1.01 2016-10-15 NewRisingSun: Corrected tempo
 (very slightly). Improved loops. Fixed
 flubbed snare drum in tracks 7/8/10/11/18/26.
 Added Waveform Select Enable write to all
 tracks, necessary for track 19.
 Added volume modifier.
• • •

RichterEX2 NewRisingSun

Source: VGMRips

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