Quiz King of Fighters

Sound chip: YM2610
System: Neo Geo
Composers: Hiroyuki Takei Shinichi Yamazaki Kazuhiko Oshikiri Hideki Nagai
Developer: Saurus
Publishers: SNK (J) Viccom (K)
Release date: 1995-02-25 (MVS) / 1995-03-10 (AES) / 1996 (MVS, AES) (K)
02. Prologue Demo, Title Screen 1:40
03. Credit SFX 0:02
05. Chapter Title Card Start 0:04
06. Yuri is Kidnapped, Again! (Chapter 1 Board Map BGM) 0:09 + 0:09
07. Chapter 1 Normal Quiz BGM ~ Mysterious Person Quiz Encounter BGM 0:39 + 0:35
08. Normal Quiz Cleared! 0:04
09. After the Normal Quiz Midway Demo 0:09 + 0:09
10. Challenger Quiz BGM 0:31 + 0:29
11. Shop Menu BGM 0:12 + 0:12
12. A Suspicious Man 1:20 + 0:35
13. The Bar (Whom to Speak to?) 0:37 + 0:34
14. Mid-Boss Appearance BGM 0:15 + 0:15
15. Chapter 1 ~ Final Chapter Tournament 1st Quiz Fight BGM, 2P Competitive Quiz Fight BGM 0:42 + 0:30
16. Quiz Fight ~ Boss Fight Cleared! 0:07
17. Mid-Boss After the Fight Quiz Midway Demo ~ Main Cutscene Demo 2 0:07 + 0:07
18. Stop! 0:03
19. Interrogation Quiz ~ Special Bonus Game BGM 0:33 + 0:25
20. Motorcycle Gang Quiz Fight BGM 0:41 + 0:37
21. Chapter 1, 2 Boss BGM ~ Final Chapter Tournament 4th Quiz Fight BGM 0:44 + 0:33
22. Main Cutscene Demo 1 0:34
23. Bonus Game BGM 1 0:03 + 0:03
24. Q's Mysterious Organization (Chapter 2 Board Map BGM) 0:07 + 0:07
25. Chapter 2 Normal Quiz BGM 0:06 + 0:02
26. Shemale Quiz BGM 0:58 + 0:31
27. Chinese Restaurant BGM 0:43 + 0:29
28. Bonus Game BGM 2 0:07 + 0:07
29. The Park (Whom to Go to?) 0:24
30. Chapter 2 ~ Final Chapter Tournament 2nd Quiz Fight BGM 0:41 + 0:36
31. Waitress Quiz BGM 0:14 + 0:14
32. Casino Crew Quiz Fight BGM 0:59 + 0:50
33. The Wrath of the Emperor (Chapter 3 Board Map BGM) 0:07 + 0:07
34. Chapter 3 Normal Quiz BGM 0:25 + 0:18
35. The Quiz Research Institute (Which Doors should Choose to?) 0:54 + 0:54
36. Chapter 3 ~ Final Chapter Tournament 3rd Quiz Fight BGM 0:43 + 0:21
37. Chapter 3 Mid-Boss BGM 1:17 + 0:57
38. Takuma Sakazaki (Chapter 3 Boss BGM) 1:29 + 1:14
39. Mysterious, Yet Suspicious Tournament Championship (Final Chapter Tournament Bracket BGM) 0:08
40. Q, the Lord of Mysteries (Last Boss Appearance Demo 1 ~ Final Cutscene Demo 1) 0:05 + 0:03
41. Q's Final Form 1 (Last Boss Appearance Demo 2) 0:17
42. Q's Final Form 2 (Last Boss BGM) 1:14 + 0:53
43. Ryo Sakazaki Ending 0:54 + 0:49
44. Terry Bogard, Robert Garcia Ending 0:25 + 0:16
45. Mai Shiranui, Haohmaru, Nakoruru Ending 1:30 + 0:06
46. Staff Roll 1:05 + 0:40
47. Game Over 0:05
48. Name Entry 0:10 + 0:10
49. Ranking 0:08 + 0:08
50. Unused BGM 1 1:19 + 0:41
51. Unused BGM 2 0:09 + 0:09
52. Unused Jingle 0:04
53. Prologue Demo, Title Screen (Extended) 1:18 + 0:37
54. Q's Final Form 1 (Extended) 0:14 + 0:11
55. Mai Shiranui, Haohmaru, Nakoruru Ending (Extended) 1:31 + 1:15
Total: 29:17 + 17:54
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2023-08-17 RN22 Initial release.
Size reductions
vgm_sro663 MB9.64 MB1.5%
vgm_cmp9.64 MB7.2 MB74.7%
5 ratings • 270 downloads • 1290 views
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There's something that I've been wanted to do
about, and that is to rip this game. However,
i'm too busy to rip this entire game, due to
long and many tracks above, and also. No
soundtrack CD release on this game. Until...
Track names are taken from SNK ARCADE DIGITAL
COLLECTION VOL.23 [CLRC-10044]. However,
I might need to translate some music names
in English, cuz some of the names are in

Track 43 to 45's original japanese title seems
they have typed the wrong name. Like the word
"Clear" or "クリア" instead of the word "Ending".
Also on track 45, in the original soundtrack
name, It seems that it might be the ending
for Ryo Sakazaki, but they're wrong.

I might include the credit SFX on this pack,
because that is listed to the soundtrack
release of the game. I'm quite surprised
about that there's soundtrack release on this
thing. Thanks Clarice Disc!

But now, I think I have the energy, and
courage to do it.

This is basically a trivia game made by
Saurus at that time in 1995. First, you
have to roll a dice, each and every game.
Similar to some traditional Mario Party
game. Once that's done, you go ahead and
start fighting the opponent through quiz

Some of the characters in this game are
basically from some of the SNK games, like
Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, Samurai Shodown,
etc. Their role is to save Yuri Sakazaki from
the hands of the main antagonist itself called
Q, the Lord of Mysteries.

This game is also pretty not known outside
the country, since it is only released in

Yet, this might be the longest, many tracks
I've ever ripped so far, in total of 55 tracks.

Generated by MAME 0.256 VGM mod

Size reduction:
1. vgm_sro: 663 MB -> 9.64 MB (1.45 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 9.64 MB -> 7.20 MB (74.7 %)
Total: 663 MB -> 7.20 MB (1.09 %)

External links:
SNK Fandom:
Namu (Korean release):
VGMDb (Disc 2):
Game Watch (JP):


Source: VGMRips

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