
Sound chip: VSU-VUE
System: Virtual Boy
Composer: Katsuya Yamano
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: 1995-07-21 (J) / 1995-08-14 (U)
01. Warning 0:04
02. Intro (with SFX) 0:22
03. Title Screen 0:21 + 0:18
04. Schematic 0:08 + 0:06
05. File Select 0:50 + 0:08
06. Opponent List (Take a Break) 0:16 + 0:16
07. Opponent Profile 0:14 + 0:13
08. Round Intro 0:05
09. Pagero 0:35 + 0:31
10. Winning 0:34 + 0:31
11. Loosing 0:05 + 0:05
12. K.O. 0:02
13. You Win! 0:08 + 0:07
14. Spokong 0:34 + 0:29
15. Round Over 0:20
16. Dorihey 0:35 + 0:32
17. Bomkun 0:38 + 0:37
18. Prin 0:41 + 0:38
19. Ikanger 0:47 + 0:47
20. Tukikage 0:36 + 0:35
21. All Defeated 0:04
22. You've Done Great 0:47 + 0:47
23. Improve Your Record 1:04
24. Legendary Champ Profile 0:16 + 0:16
25. Basham 0:42 + 0:41
26. Fantastic (You Are No. 1) 0:27
27. Staff Roll 3:13
28. The Champion 0:20
29. Unknown Track 1 0:11 + 0:11
30. Unknown Track 2 0:15 + 0:12
31. Unknown Jingle 1 0:03
32. Unknown Jingle 2 0:03
Total: 15:05 + 7:52
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2016-10-05 bmos Initial release.
Size reductions
vgm_cmp1.06 MB1.05 MB99.1%
5 ratings • 953 downloads • 5591 views
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So this is basically Punch-Out!! for the
Virtual Boy. The game is one of the best on the
system and some cool tunes in here as well.

-bmos (

Logged with VBjin svn103.

Size reduction (vgm_cmp):
    1.06 MB -> 1.05 MB (0.94 %)


Source: VGMRips

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