Arcus Odyssey

Sound chips: YM2151 OKIM6258
System: X68000
Composer: Motoi Sakuraba
Developer: Wolf Team
Publisher: Wolf Team
Release date: 1991-06-29
01. Opening Theme 3:15
02. Password 1:13 + 1:11
03. Character Selection 0:59 + 0:57
04. Intro Scene 1:58 + 1:58
05. Map 0:32 + 0:32
06. Act 1-1: Shrine Grounds 1:09 + 1:09
07. Act 1-2: The Shrine 1:23 + 1:23
08. Act 1 Boss 1:06 + 1:04
09. Act Clear 0:04
10. Act 2-1: Prison 1:28 + 1:27
11. Act 2-2: Reservoir 1:16 + 1:16
12. Act 3-1: Pyramid 0:55 + 0:54
13. Act 3-2: Tomb 1:01 + 1:01
14. Act 3~5~6 Boss 0:52 + 0:52
15. Act 4: The Wicked Flame 1:30 + 1:28
16. Act 6-1: Dark Minions 1:25 + 1:25
17. Act 6-2: Monsters Inside 1:39 + 1:36
18. Act 6-3: A Fight with an Ally 1:41 + 1:41
19. Act 6-4: Pray for Victory 1:26 + 1:25
20. Act 7-1: Nightmare Castle 1:01 + 1:01
21. Act 7 Boss 1:20 + 1:17
22. Act 7-2: Dungeon Room 1:04 + 1:04
23. Act 8: The Full Moon 1:26 + 1:26
24. Castomira - Sorceress 1:17 + 1:17
25. Castomira - Dragon 1:31 + 1:28
26. Castomira - Demon 0:57 + 0:57
27. Castomira - Defeated 1:25 + 1:23
28. Credits Theme 1:49 + 1:49
29. Unused Ending Music 5:59 + 5:56
30. Got Item Fanfare 0:03
31. Game Over 0:04
32. Continue 0:08 + 0:08
Total: 42:42 + 38:52
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2017-01-03 Valley Bell Initial release.
1.05 2017-02-12 Valley Bell Optimized VGMs.
Size reductions
vgm_cmp57.1 MB48.5 MB84.9%
opt_oki48.5 MB1.1 MB2.3%
vgm_cmp1.1 MB1.09 MB99.1%
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This is some fine orchestral Sakuraba music.

Arcus Odyssey on the X68000 is almost the same
as on the MegaDrive, but better.
Cutscenes use the X68000's high resolution mode
for very sharp images. There are a few
additional cutscenes the MD version lacks.
The sound is also better, since the YM2151
has more channels and there are more drum
samples. There are also two additional songs
missing from the MD version.

Most of the tracks use 5 FM channels and
1 PCM channel drums. This would fit into the
MegaDrive limitation - if that sound driver
didn't reserve a channel for SFX.
So the MD version lacks a channel, making the
X68000 version the definitive version.
The only thing I miss in the X68000 version is

Aside from the missing channel, the music is
exactly the same on the X68000 and MegaDrive.
The MD version uses a more compact music
format, but it has all the notes from the
X68000 - including the missing channel and the
drums missing from the MD version.

The track order and track titles were taken
from the MegaDrive VGM rip. This excludes the
two songs missing from the MD version of the
game: "Intro Scene" and "Unused Ending Music"

According to vgmdb there was an OST release for
the X68000 version, but it uses very generic
track titles. It also lists "Unused songs",
which might refer to the one ending song that
doesn't seem to appear in the game.

If you play the vanilla game, you might notice
that the "low tom" drum sample is barely
audible. That's due to a bug in the PCM driver
where it skips the first 4 bytes of the ADPCM
data. I hacked the game to fix the issue, so
everything sounds fine now.
Trivia: In the MD version, the high tom is
broken. Unlucky developers ...

Wolfteam's FM music format reserves 16 bytes
for track titles, which I added to the VGM's
notes tag.
They're not very descriptive and often
incomplete, but nice to have.

Size reduction:
1. vgm_cmp: 57.1 MB -> 48.5 MB (85.0 %)
2. opt_oki: 48.5 MB -> 1.10 MB (2.27 %)
3. vgm_cmp: 1.10 MB -> 1.09 MB (98.9 %)
Total: 57.1 MB -> 1.09 MB (1.91 %)

Valley Bell

Source: VGMRips

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