Strider (U) / Strider Hiryu (J)

Sound chip: YM2151
System: Arcade
Composer: Junko Tamiya
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Release date: 1989-03-07
01. Credit 0:05
02. St. Petersburg Intro ~ Line of Defense 0:08
03. St. Petersburg 1 ~ Step into it! 0:55 + 0:55
04. St. Petersburg Mid Boss ~ Blow 0:12 + 0:09
05. St. Petersburg 2 ~ Heartless Cathedral (Mosque) 0:36 + 0:35
06. St. Petersburg 3 ~ Wild Beast 0:17 + 0:11
07. St. Petersburg Boss ~ Ouroboros (Iron Reign) 0:27 + 0:26
08. Stage Clear 0:09
09. Siberian Wilderness Intro 0:12
10. Siberian Wilderness Mid Boss ~ Siberian Mine Shaft (Kong) 0:15 + 0:14
11. Siberian Wilderness 1 ~ Drive Wheel 0:42 + 0:12
12. Siberian Wilderness 2 ~ Long Dash 0:45 + 0:33
13. Siberian Wilderness 3 ~ Cloud Sea 0:29 + 0:28
14. Siberian Wilderness Boss ~ Wind Formation 0:24 + 0:24
15. The Aerial Battleship 1 ~ Short Spin 1:04 + 1:04
16. The Aerial Battleship 2 ~ G Minor Reverse 0:32 + 0:31
17. The Aerial Battleship Boss ~ Takeover! 0:19 + 0:18
18. Adventure in Amazon Intro 0:13
19. Adventure in Amazon Opening 1 ~ Echo 0:08
20. Adventure in Amazon Opening 2 ~ Seige 0:06
21. Adventure in Amazon 1 ~ Valley and River 0:46 + 0:40
22. Adventure in Amazon 2 ~ Howling 0:54 + 0:53
23. Adventure in Amazon Boss ~ Devil in Africa 0:06 + 0:06
24. The Third Moon Intro 0:13
25. The Third Moon 1 ~ Flying Dragon (Hiryu) 0:37 + 0:36
26. The Third Moon 2 ~ Swift Counterattack (Theme) 0:28 + 0:27
27. The Third Moon Boss ~ Dark Lord Grandmaster 0:50 + 0:26
28. Game Clear 0:13
29. Ranking 0:37
30. Game Over 0:10
31. Continue 0:14
32. St. Petersburg 4 (Unused) ~ Bullet Corridor 0:16 + 0:03
33. Adventure in Amazon Opening 3 (Unused) ~ Echo 0:12
Total: 13:20 + 9:05
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2013-01-24 rainwarrior Initial release.
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This pack is based on the second revision of
Strider (striderua, striderjr). The first
revision in both USA and Japan (strider,
striderj) were missing many music tracks,
replacing them with 03 St. Petersburg 1.
 - 15 The Aerial Battleship 1
 - 16 The Aerial Battleship 2
 - 17 The Aerial Battleship Escape
 - 24 The Third Moon Intro
 - 25 The Third Moon 1
 - 26 The Third Moon 2
 - 27 The Third Moon Boss
 - 28 Game Clear
 - 29 Ranking
Even in the second revision, this track is
still reused in two places:
 - The Aerial Battleship Intro
   (Sound test: 4ST DEMO)
 - Game Ending
   (Sound test: ENDING)
Comments in the VGZ tracks indicate the track
name used in the game's sound test mode. Tracks
32 and 33 appear in the sound test, but not in
the game. The names assigned to them are based
on their sound test label. The sound test lists
the Siberian Wilderness Mid Boss as 2ST BIG
instead of 2ST MID (the real Siberian
Wilderness Boss is also 2ST BIG), and The
Aerial Battleship tracks are labelled as 4ST
while Adventure in Amazon is 3ST, the reverse
of their in-game order.

Thanks also to Duchemole for offering advice
with this rip, and 2ch-H for help finding the
OST track titles.


Source: VGMRips

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