
Sound chips: YM2151 OKIM6258
System: X68000
Composers: Norio Nakagata Yusuke Takahama
Developer: Shinseisha
Publisher: B-Type
Release date: 1991
01. Loading 0:30
02. Select 0:16 + 0:15
03. Stage 1 0:52 + 0:50
04. Stage 1 Boss 0:28 + 0:28
05. Stage Clear 0:05
06. Stage 2 0:46 + 0:42
07. Stage 2, 4 Boss 0:25 + 0:23
08. Stage 3 0:47 + 0:38
09. Stage 3, 7 Boss 0:18 + 0:18
10. Stage 4 0:43 + 0:41
11. Stage 5 0:23 + 0:23
12. Stage 5, 6 Boss 0:07 + 0:07
13. Stage 6 0:27 + 0:26
14. Stage 7 0:37 + 0:30
15. Ending 1:03 + 1:01
16. Game Over 0:06
17. Unused 1 0:06 + 0:06
18. Unused 2 0:33 + 0:32
Total: 8:24 + 7:12
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2014-04-23 vampirefrog Initial release.
1.01 2014-07-09 Valley Bell Reordered tracks to fit the OST release, optimized VGMs.
Size reductions
opt_oki10.9 MB691 KB6.2%
vgm_cmp691 KB673 KB97.4%
11 ratings • 396 downloads • 5930 views
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This pack was made using XM6 Pro-68k build
version 140316 (
Songs were ripped from the menu.
Song names are from
The tracks are numbered differently so I had to
look them up, and I was unable to find info on
tracks 12 and 17, so I assumed their titles.
Some more info:

Size reduction:
1. opt_oki: 10.9 MB -> 691 KB (6.19 %)
2. vgm_cmp: 691 KB -> 673 KB (97.3 %)
Total: 10.9 MB -> 673 KB (6.02 %)


Source: VGMRips

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